Guru Girls Yoga

The Guru Girls Program
The program has multiple formats, which can be adapted to meet the needs of the participants. Guru Girls Yoga is a 10-week program that meets weekly for a 90 minute session. The program is based off the Chakra System and uses Yoga as a Metaphor to highlight the positive impact of the Mind/Body Connection. Each session involves the power of journaling, music, mindfulness activities, breathing exercises and yoga poses to help participants create healthy life habits that can last a lifetime. Regular “practice” and email communication will be used to reinforce the lesson and practice.
First Session
The First Session is an introduction to the Guru Girl Program, the Chakra System and encourages participants to set intentions for the program. This session involves an assessment process, icebreakers to begin the rapport building process and discussion of the Guru Girl Rules. Participants will be introduced to the “Lessons from the Mat”, Practice, and begin to learn yoga poses/asana. The Guru Girl safe space helps participants feel they belong, and encourages sharing, and learning from each other.
Second Session
The Second Session is based off the 1st or Root Chakra (Honors the Earth) and describes Rooting Down in standing poses and the importance of the root chakra that grounds you. This lesson teaches personal values, what they stand for, what is important for them in order to stay grounded and what it feels like to be grounded. A theme in the Guru Girl program is the power of being intentional, and this session creates the foundation for participants to identify this important self-care skill of verbalizing what keeps them grounded in the midst of a busy schedule, and pulls from outside forces.
Third Session
The Third Session is based off the 2nd or Splenic Chakra (Honors Creativity), which teaches the importance of the journey. Participants identify the importance of going with the flow, and being intentional in the transitions on and off the mat. Participants explore the fact that transitions can be just as important as the end goal. This lesson is done as a group and teaches teambuilding, and boundaries. We discuss the fact that we can be empathetic and caring without taking on other’s negative emotions.
Fourth Session
The Fourth Session is based off the 3rd or Power Chakra (Honors Life Force), which encourages participants to tap in to their personal power and how that relates to self-esteem. Participants process the role of self-esteem and ways to increase their self-esteem. The Mindfulness Activity is a playful game, which helps to identify strengths and weaknesses. Using this information, participants embrace their whole self and process strategies and resources to be their best self. This group process highlights the fact that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and we are all unique. Participants will experience the power of self-observation, and begin to pay attention to personal patterns, designed to nurture acceptance of the whole self. The Practice in this session helps to foster an Attitude of Gratitude to increase happiness.
Fifth Session
The Fifth Session is based off the 4th or Heart Chakra (Honors the Heart). This session teaches the power of self-love and self-soothing, helps to create a sense of empowerment and control over personal coping skills, and highlights the power of loving and caring for oneself in order to love and care for others. Participants will process the importance of balance- physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. They will reflect on when to push harder and when to ease off or “take a break”.
Sixth Session
The Sixth session is based off the 5th or Throat Chakra (Honors Communication). Through a partner activity you will learn the power of establishing positive communication skills through balancing active listening and expressing oneself with clear intent. Learning personal strategies and practicing ways to communicate effectively will be life-skills participants will use for years to come. This session encourages participants to envision and contribute to a positive world view and in their small way they are helping to improve the world.
Seventh Session
The Seventh Session is based off the 6th or Third Eye Chakra (Honors Intuition). This Session focuses on intuition and the ability to listen and trust your inner voice, or Guru Girl Wise Mind! Through a playful group exercise you will process trusting your gut, learning from your mistakes, and holding each other accountable in supportive ways. The game teaches the importance of seeing the big picture and recognizing that each small step towards a larger goal is the path to accomplish the goal.
Eighth Session
The Eighth Session is based off the 7th or Crown Chakra (Honors Spiritual Connection). The Mindfulness activity is a group bonding game, which highlights the fact that we are not alone in our thoughts, feelings and actions. The team building aspect of the program helps girls to realize they are not alone, and to feel empowered to stand for their beliefs to be their best self.
Ninth Session
The Ninth Session is the parent share session. This parent-child session creates a safe environment to engage in the mindfulness activities and partner poses to support parent-child bonding. Participants will engage in a values clarification activity, and identification of strategies to support prioritizing these values.
Tenth Session
The Tenth Session reviews the main themes of the program. This session is designed to cement the learning and progress that was made in the program. Participants will commit to being intentional about the Guru Girls Yoga strategies learned, and participate in a closing ritual designed to leave participants feeling empowered and filled with positive self-esteem.